Term-5 14 Time out!!! THE BRETHREN SUNDAY SCHOOL – ABUDHABI 1st Semester 18th June 2022 8th Standard - Total Marks – 50 Total Time: 90 Minutes: 25 x 2 = 50 Marks Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions: Please fill in your details... NameEmailPhone Number 1 / 25 1. Salvation – Select appropriate answers? a) That the person to be saved was in danger b) That someone saw his peril and went to his rescue c) That the rescuer was successful in his mission, delivered the person from his perilous plight and thus saved him d) “Salvation is of the Lord”. e) None of the above f) a, b g) b, c h) b, c, a, d. 2 / 25 2. Salvation - Define “Salvation ‘Why is it necessary for mankind? a) Since man is a sinner and God is righteous, the sinner needs to be delivered – or saved – from the penalty of sins b) Man is a sinner, needs forgiveness and Man is lost, needing to be found c) Man is doomed needing to be found and Man is guilty needing to be pardon. d) He is spiritually dead, needing life. He is blind, needing illumination e) He is slave, needing liberations and Man is utterly helpless to save himself. f) None of the above g) e, d, b, c, a. h) b, a, c i) c, d, e 3 / 25 3. Salvation - The Gospel is the good news that God, in wondrous grace has abundantly provided this salvation through the person and work of His beloved Son according to the Bible verse: a) John 1.21 b) Revelation 1.21 c) Mark 1.21 d) Luke 1.21 e) All of the above f) None of the above g) Mathew 1.21 h) b, c i) c, d, e 4 / 25 4. Salvation - What must the sinner do in order to experience this salvation? a) He must Repent b) He should confess his hopeless, helpless and hell deserving condition. c) He has to involve in charity work … helping people who are in need. d) To humble himself in the society and in the Church e) He must believe the gospel concerning the Person and work of Christ f) He must accept the Lord Jesus Christ by a definite act of his will, as his own personal Savior g) All of the above h) a, b, e, f i) None of the above j) a, b, f 5 / 25 5. Salvation – Identify which are the below statements are true a) Through Christ's death and resurrection this Salvation has been provided to God's complete satisfaction. b) As Christ willingly hung on the cross, He assumed the full liability of our guilt and sin, bore our sins in His own body and died as a substitutionary sacrifice on behalf of sinners. c) All God's judgment against sin fell on Him and God's righteous claims against the sinners were fully satisfied, on our behalf, by Christ's death d) God indicated His complete acceptance of this sacrifice of Christ by raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His own right hand. e) All of the above f) a, b, g) a only h) a, b, c 6 / 25 6. Salvation – How may one know for certain that he is saved? a) By the word of God. b) God declares plainly that every soul trusting in His Son is forgiven and saved. c) He becomes the possessor of eternal life and is secure forever d) All of the above e) a , b f) a only 7 / 25 7. Salvation – The present involves the salvation from sin’s power or control? a) Because of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling presence, plus the impartation of the divine nature, the believer is now delivered from the dominion of sin in his life b) 1 Cor. 6:19 c) 2 Peter 1:3, 4 d) Rom. 6:1-14. e) a only f) a, b, c, d 8 / 25 8. Salvation – The future involves salvation from sin’s presence. a) This will take place at the coming of Christ when He will raise the dead and change the living so that they will have bodies incapable of sin, decay and death. b) This is the final aspect of salvation c) Heb 9:28 d) I Thess. 4:13-18. e) All of the above f) a, b, d 9 / 25 9. Salvation and the Holy spirit – What is Regeneration? a) The Holy Spirit moved upon the waters and the life was generated. In the same manner spiritually, Lifeless man was convicted by the Holy spirit- of sin righteousness and of judgement. b) He gives new life to the convicted man. c) It is an creative act of the Holy Spirit. d) It is an instantaneous change. e) This makes man new creation by the new birth (2 cor.5.17) f) a, b, c, d, e g) a, b, d, f h) b, e, f i) d, e 10 / 25 10. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Indwelling of the Holy Spirit”? a) The moment a person repents of his sin and receives Christ as his Lord, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell him. b) This is Temporary and not Permanent c) This is Permanent and not Temporary d) Those who are born again, are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. e) Absence of the holy Spirit is a Person only means that he is unsaved. f) a, c, d, e g) a, b, d, f h) d, e i) a only 11 / 25 11. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Baptism of the Holy Spirit”? a) The Baptism of the Holy Spirit occurs at Conversion. b) When the Holy Spirit enters the believing sinner gives him new life, and makes his body the temple of God. c) Every day we need to sit in his presence and to seek the Baptism of the Holy Spirit d) All believers have experienced this once for all baptism ( 1.Cor.12.13.) e) It need not the repeated. f) All of the above g) None of the above h) a, b, d, e i) a, d, f j) b, c, d, e 12 / 25 12. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Anointing of the Holy Spirit”? a) All born again Christians have been anointed by the Holy Spirit (2Cor.1.21) b) In the Old Testament, the only persons who were anointed by God were prophets, Priests, and kings. c) Their anointing equipped the for service. d) As we yield to the Holy Spirit, He enables us to serve God and to live godly lives. e) Anointing is only for the Old Testament Priest, Pastors and the Church Elders and we need to get anointing daily. f) He gives us the special spiritual discernment that we need to serve GOD acceptably ( I John 2:20,27) g) All of the above h) a, b, d, e i) a, b, c, d, f j) b, c, d, e 13 / 25 13. Salvation and the Holy spirit – please select right answers in connection with “Filling of the Holy Spirit”? a) The Filling of the Holy Spirit is ought to be continuous experience for life and ministry b) The Filling of the Holy Spirit helps us to lead a victorious Christian life. c) The Holy Spirit is Person. To be filled with a person, means to submit ourselves completely to that person’s “influence” d) We are to surrender our whole being to the Holy Spirit so that He can have complete control over our lives. e) That means, the more we are yielded to Holy Spirit, the more we are filled by Him f) A Spirit filled person is a spiritual man (1Cor.2:12-3:3). g) All of the above h) a, b, c, d i) b, c, e j) d, e, f 14 / 25 14. Salvation and the Holy spirit – Apostle Paul, divides people into categories. a) Natural b) Carnal c) Spiritual d) Healthy e) All of the above f) a, b, c, g) b, c, h) c, d, 15 / 25 15. Salvation and the Holy spirit - Holy Spirit as earnest a) The Spirit is God’s “earnest” (down payment, guarantee, security) that one day we shall be with Him in heaven and possess glorified bodies (see Eph. 1:14).Carnal. b) He enables us to enjoy the blessings of heaven in our hearts today! c) Because of the indwelling Holy Spirit, Paul was able to have a clear conscience and face misunderstandings with love and patience. d) If you live to please people, misunderstandings will depress you; e) but if you live to please god, you can face misunderstandings with faith and courage. f) All of the above g) a, b, c, h) b, c, i) c, d, 16 / 25 16. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Blotting out the name”? a) Ex.32:32 While interceding for Israel, Joshua, Caleb said to God Oh this people have sinned a great sin and have made them gods of gold. Yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin; if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written. b) Ex.32:32 While interceding for Israel, Moses said to God, “Oh this people have sinned a great sin, and have made them gods of gold. Yet now if thou wilt forgive their sin; if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written. c) And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out my book.” The point is there is possibility of name being erased from the “God’s Book”. This prompts some to say that a person’s salvations is liable to be lost. d) The Book of the Living is mentioned in the Psalms 69.6, Rev.20:12, Dan12.1 e) It is obvious that when a person is born, his name is entered in the book and when he dies, it is blotted out. So, the verse in question has nothing to do with salvation. f) All of the above g) None of the above h) b, c, d i) b, c, d, e j) d, e, f 17 / 25 17. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Death of six hundred thousand Israelites”? a) Numbers 14; Duet. 1:33-38. Here, the argument is that many perished in the wilderness without entering the promised Land. It means, they say that heaven will be denied even to God’s people who sin. b) The fact is that death in the wilderness does not speak of the loss of Salvation. c) The promised land, as far as the new testament believer is concerned, is not heaven but the spiritual blessings which he is appropriating and enjoying here in this world right now. (Eph.1:3) d) It should be noted. Moses also died in the wilderness. He did not enter the Promised land. e) However, we see him on the mount of Transfiguration with the Lord Jesus Christ. f) So, death in the wilderness pictures a believer who fails to achieve the spiritual maturity which he is supposed to attain. g) All of the above h) None of the above i) a, c, d, e. j) b, c, d, e 18 / 25 18. Refutation of Arguments – please select right answers in connection with “Endure unto the end, to get saved”: a) This is a Prophecy concerning the Jew and the Great Tribulation. (Matt. 24:13)? b) The reference is to the last stage of the Great Tribulation. (v.14) c) This is the time when the period of 1335 days mentioned in the book of Daniel, comes to an end. That marks the end of the Great war of Armageddon. d) The Jew overcomes the tribulation can enter the millennium and inherit heaven. (Rom 11; 25-27; Is 4.4) e) It should be noted. Moses also died in the wilderness. He did not enter the Promised land. f) This has no reference to the salvation of the new Testament believer who is saved by grace though faith. g) All of the above h) a, b, c i) a, b, c, d, f j) b, c, d, e 19 / 25 19. Refutation of Arguments – Choose the right answers with regard to “Work out your Salvation” a) Philippians. 2:12 b) Believers are instructed to work out their Salvation. c) Obviously, we are not to work for our Salvation but to work it out. d) Paul is writing to people who are already “saints” (Phil 1:1) e) The verb “work out” means “work to full completion” like working out a problem in mathematics. f) The purpose of God wants us to achieve is Christ likeness, “to be conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom.8:29) g) This is a Prophecy concerning the Jew and the Great Tribulation. (Matt. 24:13)? h) All of the above i) None of the above j) a, b, c, d, e, f 20 / 25 20. Refutation of Arguments - please select right answers in connection with "Burning of Thorns and briars" a) It reminds us of our Lord's Parable of the Sower (Matt. 13:1-9, 18-23), as well as Paul's teaching about the fire testing our works (1 Cor. 3:6-23). b) A field proves its worth by bearing fruit; and a true believer, as he makes spiritual progress, bears fruit for God's glory c) All of the above d) None of the above e) a, f) b, 21 / 25 21. Security of Salvation – A sinner, when he accepts Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, he is saved once for all based on the which Bible verses given below: a) John 5:24 b) John 6:37 c) John 10:27-31 d) Genesis 1.1 e) Genesis 12. 1,2 f) All of the above g) None of the above h) d, e i) a, b, c j) a, b 22 / 25 22. Security of Salvation – the problem of Eternal Security: Can a person, once saved, become lost again? This is a question, often asked by many. Which of the following statement gives very clear indication that a person is saved eternally? a) “By grace you are saved through faith” Eph 2:5-8 b) “By doing charity every day and doing good to others” c) “Keeping moral Standard” d) “By Good works you are saved through faith” e) John 6:37 f) All of the above g) None of the above h) d, e i) a, b, c 23 / 25 23. Security of Salvation – How does God deal with the sins of believers. Identify the appropriate answers? a) Believers are not permitted to sin, If we sin, God as our Father, will punish us. b) God disciplines His children for whom the Lord loves He chastens and scourges every son whom He receives.” If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? (Heb .12.6) c) If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 2:8,9) d) ….and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1: 7) e) In short, God forgives us on the basis of the sacrificial blood and mediation of His Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. f) All of the above g) None of the above h) d, e i) a, j) a, b, c 24 / 25 24. Security of Salvation – Our salvation is Secure – Identify the appropriate answers? a) God is the Father of the born-again person. This Father-son relationship never ceases to exist. b) Our Salvation is secure on the basis of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ c) Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. Heb.7:25 d) Our Salvation is described as eternal salvation. He become the Author of eternal salvation to all hose who obey Him Heb.5:9 e) The life of the believer has inherited is eternal life John 3:16 f) All of the above g) None of the above h) a, d, e i) a, b, d, j) a, b, c 25 / 25 25. Security of Salvation – Salvation means rebirth– Identify the appropriate answers? a) When one is saved, he is born again our Salvation is secure on the basis of the Priesthood of Jesus Christ b) Thus, he becomes the son/daughter of God (John 1:12). c) Obviously, God is the Father of the born-again person. This Father-son relationship never ceases to exist. d) All of the above e) None of the above f) a, b, g) a, only h) b, c