Term-4 3 Time out!!! THE BRETHREN SUNDAY SCHOOL – ABUDHABI 8th Standard Sec - Total Marks – 50 Total Time: 90 Minutes: 25 x 2 = 50 Marks Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions: Please fill in your details... NameEmailPhone Number 1 / 25 1. (Lesson 5) Justification, Sanctification and Glorification – please select right answers in connection with “Justification”: a) Justification – (Christ for us) b) Justification is a divine act whereby an infinitely holy God judicially declares a believing sinner to be righteous and acceptable before Him. c) Justification is the restoration of our true relation to God. This relation was lost by Sin. d) The basis of our justification is God’s grace has manifested in our Lord’s perfect life of obedience and His sacrificial death. e) His spotless life and atoning work from ground of our Justification. f) God has accomplished in Christ what man is unable to do for himself. g) In short, Justification is a finished act. h) a, d, e i) a, b, c, d, j) a, b, c, d, e, f, g 2 / 25 2. Lesson 5) Justification, Sanctification and Glorification– please select right answers in connection with “Sanctification”: a) Sanctification (Christ in us) b) Sanctification is the work of God’s free grace, whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God and are enabled more and more to die unto sin, and live unto righteousness c) Sanctification has to do with progressive outworking of the new life implanted by the Holy spirit in regeneration. d) Sanctification is progressive that means, a believer must grow. e) Sanctification also involves the believer being completely set apart unto God, in that ultimately his position and practice will be brought into perfect accord. f) Spirit, Soul and Body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. g) None of the above h) a, b, c, d, e, f i) a, b, c 3 / 25 3. (Lesson 5) Justification, Sanctification and Glorification– please select right answers in connection with “Glorification”: a) This is the final climatic act in God’s redeeming work (Romans 8.30) b) God sent His Son our Saviour to die in our stead. This means that when the Lord Jesus died on the cross, we really died there. He describes His death as Baptism (Matt. 20:22. Luke 12:50) c) Psalm 42:7 He alone who suffered God’s (i.e., your) righteous judgment on sin. d) Romans 6: As many of us were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death. e) We were buried with Him through baptism into death. f) We have been united together in the likeness of his death… our old man was crucified with Him. g) In water baptism, a believer identifies himself with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. h) All of the above i) c, d, f, g, j) b, c, d, e k) a, c, d, e, f, g 4 / 25 4. (Lesson 5) Justification, Sanctification and Glorification– please select right answers in connection with “Sanctification”: a) Our State b) Our Condition c) Fellowship d) Our Purity – Christ in us e) Attainment f) Progressive g) Instantaneous h) Our Peace – Christ for us i) c, d, f, g, j) a, b, c, d, e, f 5 / 25 5. (Lesson 6) Baptism– What is baptism? Select the appropriate answers”: a) It is an ordinance given by the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to the Church b) Disciples were told to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28: 19,20 and Mark 16: 15,16) c) The ordinance was instituted in the gospels d) The ordinance was practiced in the book of Acts and explained in the epistles. e) Paul and Peter explained the meaning of the Baptism in their epistles (Romans 6:1-4, Peter 3.21) f) This is given by the 12 Apostles to all Christians g) All of the above h) c, d, f, g, i) a, b, c, d, e j) c, d, e, f, g 6 / 25 6. (Lesson 6) Baptism– What is the meaning of baptism? Select the appropriate answers regarding the meaning of Baptism”: a) Baptism is the outward display of eh inward change, that has taken place in the life of a born-again believer b) God sent His Son our Saviour to die in our stead. This means that when the Lord Jesus died on the cross, we really died there. He describes His death as Baptism (Matt. 20:22. Luke 12:50) c) Psalm 42:7 He alone who suffered God’s (i.e., your) righteous judgment on sin. d) Romans 6: As many of us were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death. e) We were buried with Him through baptism into death. f) We have been united together in the likeness of his death… our old man was crucified with Him. g) In water baptism, a believer identifies himself with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. h) All of the above i) c, d, f, g, j) b, c, d, e k) a, c, d, e, f, g 7 / 25 7. (Lesson 6) Baptism– In water Baptism, the person come out of the water, it symbolizes his resurrection with Christ as per the Bible verse: a) Galatians 2: 20 b) Galatians 3: 20 c) Galatians 4: 20 d) Rev. 3:20 e) Matt. 2.20 f) Phil.2:20 g) All of the above h) a, b, c, i) b, c, d, e j) a, only 8 / 25 8. (Lesson 6) Baptism– Select the right order on the below. a) Lord’s Supper, Salvation, Baptism b) Baptism, Lords Supper, Salvation c) Salvation, Baptism, Lords Supper. d) Salvation, Baptism e) Baptism, Lords Supper f) Salvation g) a, b, c, h) b, only i) a, only 9 / 25 9. Lesson 7 - The Heresy of Infant Baptism The Heresy of Infant Baptism: Choose the right reference : a) John 2 : 4-5 b) Mark 10 : 13-16 c) Job 3 : 5-6 10 / 25 10. Lesson 7 - The Heresy of infant Baptism The Baptism of Israel: Choose the right reference : a) 1 Peter 1 : 1-2 b) John 1 : 1-5 c) 1 Cor. 10:1-2 11 / 25 11. Lesson 7 - The Heresy of infant Baptism Babtism of the John the Babtist: Choose the right answer: a) This Babtism was a mark (a symbolic testimony) of repentance b) Matt 3 : 16 c) Mark 1:8 d) All of the above e) None of the above 12 / 25 12. Lesson 7 - The Heresy of infant Baptism The Babtism of the Lord Jesus Choose the right answer: a) Psalm 1 : 5 b) 1 Cor. 1:16 c) Mark 3 : 16 13 / 25 13. Lesson 7 - The Heresy of infant Baptism The Babtism of the Holy Spirit Choose the right answer: a) 1 Peter 2:47 b) Acts 2 : 47 c) John 2 : 47 14 / 25 14. Lesson 8 - Life application of Babtism 1 Apostle Paul Say : Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new Christian. Choose the right reference: a) I Cor 5 : 17 b) II Cor 5 : 17 c) I Tim 2 : 17 15 / 25 15. Lesson 8 - Life application of Babtism How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? Choose the right reference: a) I Timothy 6 : 14 b) II Timothy 6 : 14 c) Galatians 6 : 14 16 / 25 16. Lesson 8 - Life application of Babtism We are alive with Him Choose the right reference: a) Eph 2 : 1 b) John 2 : 4 c) Acts 2 : 5 17 / 25 17. Lesson 8 - Life application of Babtism For me to live is Christ: Choose the right reference: a) Phil. 1: 21 b) Phil. 2: 32 c) Phil 1 : 15 18 / 25 18. Lesson 8 - Life application of Babtism Rom 12.2 and Rom 8.29 : Choose the right answer: a) Daily transformation to the image of Jesus Christ our Lord b) The Principles of Babtism c) Salvation 19 / 25 19. Lesson 9 - The Lord’s Supper In our time God has provided an ordinance that prompts the memory? It is called: Choose the right answer: a) Salvation b) Faith in Christ c) The Lord's supper. This do in remembrance of me. 20 / 25 20. Lesson 9 - The Lord’s Supper He instituted this new Supper: Choose the right reference: a) Matt: 2:20 b) Matt: 17: 18 c) Matt: 26: 17-30 21 / 25 21. Lesson 9 - The Lord’s Supper It is a memorial to Christ’s sacrificial death. Choose the right reference: a) I Cor1.10 : 20 b) I Cor1.11 : 20 c) I Cor1.10 : 17 22 / 25 22. Lesson 9 - The Lord’s Supper As we partake of this Lord’s supper, we bidden to examine ourselves: Choose the right reference: a) I Cor1.12 : 28 b) I Cor1.11 : 28 c) I Cor1.11 : 40 23 / 25 23. Lesson 9 - The Lord’s Supper Acts 20.7 are a clear indication of it’s weekly occurrence Choose the right answer: a) Daily b) On first day of the week c) On Saturday 24 / 25 24. (Lesson 9) (The Lord’s Supper)-The Coming Kingdom: a) This memorial service, like the Passover, is also a prophecy. It looks forward to the time when Jesus would drink the cup with us a new in the Father’s kingdom (Matt.26:29). As the Passover prophesied His death, the Lord’s Supper Prophecies His return to resign as King. b) This memorial service is not like the Passover, is not a prophecy. c) All of the above 25 / 25 25. (Lesson 9) (The Lord’s Supper)- The Proper Administration: a) The New Testament church is the custodian and administrator of this feast and it should not be administered to satisfy hunger but to call us to memory (I Cor. 11:20-22) b) The Pastors are the Custodian and it should be administered to satisfy the hunger of the poor people. c) The Parents are the Custodian and it should be administered to satisfy the hunger of the family members. d) a, b, only e) b, c only