


8th Standard  Sec - Total Marks – 50

Total Time: 90 Minutes:

25 x 2 = 50 Marks

Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions:


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PART - 1

Lesson 36 : The Heresy of Infant Baptism

1. The Heresy of Infant Baptism


2 / 25

2. Baptism of Israel


3 / 25

3. Baptism of John the Baptist

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4. The Baptism of the Lord Jesus


5 / 25

5. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit


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PART - 2

Lesson 37 : Life Application of Baptism.

6. Apostle Paul Say : Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation:


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7.  How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?


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8. We are alive with him.

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9. For me to live is Christ

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10. Rom 12:2 & Rom 8:29

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PART - 3

Lesson 38 :  The Lord's Supper

11. In our time God has provided an ordinance that prompts the memory? It is called


12 / 25

12. He instituted this this new supper:

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13. It is a memorial to Christ's sacrificial death.

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14. As we partake of this supper we are bidden to examine ourselves:

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15. Acts 20:7 are a clear indication of it's weekly occurrence:

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PART - 4

Lesson 39 :  Lord's Supper (Cont'd)

16. This is the teaching that the elements of bread and wine literally become the body and blood of christ:

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17. Martin Luther said that Christ is bodily present in the bread and in the cup at the moment of partaking:


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18. Who call it 'MASS' and say that Christ performs an actual, immediate sacrificial activity whenever it is observed?


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19. Who should partake in the Lord's supper?


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20. Clear teaching of the New Testament is that the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ is final and complete:


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PART - 5

Lesson 40:  Separation

21. The command of Separation:

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22. And God saw the light, that it was good: And God divided the light from the darkness.


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23. Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, as of woolen and linen together


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24. Not unequally yoked (The believer is commanded not to be yoked with unbelievers)


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25. Romans 12.2 we are told not to be -------------------- to this world bot to be ------------ by renewing of your mind.