Term-2 12 Time out!!! THE BRETHREN SUNDAY SCHOOL – ABUDHABI 8th Standard Sec - Total Marks – 50 Total Time: 90 Minutes: 25 x 2 = 50 Marks Multiple Choice: Answer all the questions: Please fill in your details... 1 / 25 PART - 1 Lesson 36 : The Heresy of Infant Baptism 1. The Heresy of Infant Baptism a) John 2 : 4-5 b) Mark 10 : 13-16 c) Job 3 : 5-6 2 / 25 2. Baptism of Israel a) 1 Peter 1 : 1-2 b) John 1 : 1-5 c) 1 Cor. 10:1-2 3 / 25 3. Baptism of John the Baptist a) This Babtism was a mark (a symbolic testimony) of repentance b) Matt 3 : 16 c) Mark 1:8 d) All of the above e) None of the above 4 / 25 4. The Baptism of the Lord Jesus a) Psalm 1 : 5 b) 1 Cor. 1:16 c) Mark 3 : 16 5 / 25 5. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit a) 1 Peter 2:47 b) Acts 2 : 47 c) John 2 : 47 6 / 25 PART - 2 Lesson 37 : Life Application of Baptism. 6. Apostle Paul Say : Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation: a) I Cor 5 : 17 b) II Cor 5 : 17 c) I Tim 2 : 17 7 / 25 7. How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein? a) I Timothy 6 : 14 b) II Timothy 6 : 14 c) Galatians 6 : 14 8 / 25 8. We are alive with him. a) Eph 2 : 1 b) John 2 : 4 c) Acts 2 : 5 9 / 25 9. For me to live is Christ a) Phil. 2 : 32 b) Phil. 1 : 21 c) Phil. 3 : 15 10 / 25 10. Rom 12:2 & Rom 8:29 a) The principles of Baptism b) Salvation c) Daily tranformation to the image of Jesus Christ our Lord. 11 / 25 PART - 3 Lesson 38 : The Lord's Supper 11. In our time God has provided an ordinance that prompts the memory? It is called a) Salvation b) Faith in Christ c) The Lord's supper. This do in remembrance of me. 12 / 25 12. He instituted this this new supper: a) Matt : 12 : 20 b) Matt : 26 : 17-30 c) Matt : 17 : 18 13 / 25 13. It is a memorial to Christ's sacrificial death. a) I Cor1.10 : 20 b) I Cor1.11 : 20 c) I Cor1.10 : 17 14 / 25 14. As we partake of this supper we are bidden to examine ourselves: a) I Cor1.12 : 28 b) I Cor1.11 : 28 c) I Cor1.11 : 40 15 / 25 15. Acts 20:7 are a clear indication of it's weekly occurrence: a) Daily b) On first day of the week c) On Saturday 16 / 25 PART - 4 Lesson 39 : Lord's Supper (Cont'd) 16. This is the teaching that the elements of bread and wine literally become the body and blood of christ: a) Sacrifice b) Transubstantiation c) Transtantiatiation 17 / 25 17. Martin Luther said that Christ is bodily present in the bread and in the cup at the moment of partaking: a) Transubstantiation b) Consubstanitiation c) Constantiation 18 / 25 18. Who call it 'MASS' and say that Christ performs an actual, immediate sacrificial activity whenever it is observed? a) Roman Catholics b) Baptist c) Protestant 19 / 25 19. Who should partake in the Lord's supper? a) Protestants b) Accepted people of Christ c) Then they that gladly received His word were accepted Christ as their personal Saviour and they were baptized. 20 / 25 20. Clear teaching of the New Testament is that the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ is final and complete: a) Heb 7:27 & Heb 10:10 b) Matt. 5:27 & Mark 10:10 c) Psalms: 1:08 & 2:20 21 / 25 PART - 5 Lesson 40: Separation 21. The command of Separation: a) Put away darkness, Not unequally yoked, Come out b) Salvation, Baptism, Obey c) Believe, Trust, Obey 22 / 25 22. And God saw the light, that it was good: And God divided the light from the darkness. a) Gen 1:4 b) Gen 2:4 c) Gen 2:6 23 / 25 23. Thou shalt not wear a garment of diverse sorts, as of woolen and linen together a) Deut.22.22 b) Deut.11.22 c) Deut.22.11 24 / 25 24. Not unequally yoked (The believer is commanded not to be yoked with unbelievers) a) II Cori:7:14 b) II Cori.6:14 c) II Cori:7:18 25 / 25 25. Romans 12.2 we are told not to be -------------------- to this world bot to be ------------ by renewing of your mind. a) Transformed, Conformed b) Conformed, Transformed c) With the world, with the heaven